Latest News 4th October 2021
I’m pleased to announce that I have been appointed as the new Musical Director of the Symphonic Wind Orchestra of North London (SWON).
I’m very excited to working with this fabulous group of musicians and looking forward to working on some top quality symphonic wind ensemble music.
Click the link for more details about SWON
Latest News 2nd March 2021
I’m totally thrilled to have been allocated funding in conjunction with the AHRC and the BBC on the “Celebrating classical composers from diverse ethnic backgrounds”. project.

My research will help inform performances and broadcasts on BBC Radio 3 by the BBC Orchestras including a special concert later in early 2022. I, along with six other researchers will have the opportunity to showcase works of the composers featured in the research project and to bring them to the attention of the public. I will be looking at the works of Canadian born composer Robert Nathaniel Dett, one of the foremost African American composers of the early 20th century, and great advocate for using Negro Sprituals as the basis for a new Afro American Nationalism. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with the AHRC , the BBC and the other researchers, presenting the compositions of marginalised composers.
Follow this link for full information
@ahrcpress @BBCRadio3
Latest News 4th October 2021
I’m pleased to announce that I have been appointed as the new Musical Director of the Symphonic Wind Orchestra of North London (SWON).
I’m very excited to working with this fabulous group of musicians and looking forward to working on some top quality symphonic wind ensemble music.
Click the link for more details about SWON